
第16回千葉市芸術文化新人賞受賞プログラム 対話4000年江上越個展


第16回千葉市芸術文化新人賞受賞プログラム 対話4000年江上越個展










千葉市市長 熊谷俊人市長の祝電

平成30年 吉日














授賞式 江上越(左2)熊谷俊人市長(左3)選考委員会委員長近藤成一東京大学名誉教授(右1)










今回の審査委員長の近藤成一先生(歴史学者東京大学名誉教授、放送大学教授)からいただいだ言葉は 「絵画表現のレベルが高く、多彩な手法による表現活動から強いメッセージ性を感じる。  国内外を問わない様々な表現活動が、より深く進められていくことが期待される。」




今回は新人賞受賞プログラムは千葉市芸術文化振興財団主催、千葉市共催、千葉市教育委員会後援によって「対話4000年 江上越個展—— 海の記憶加曾利貝塚から未来へ交信する」が実現しました。この展示や作品においては特に千葉市芸術文化振興財団のみなさまに助けてもらい、制作過程では加曾利貝塚博物館の高梨俊人館長、千葉市埋蔵文化財センタ―の西野雅人所長とインタビューをし、展示会期中は千葉市美術館学芸員の畑井恵さんが対談をしてくださり、文章をかいてくださりました。






「対話4000年 江上越個展」 会場写真1






「対話4000年 江上越個展」 会場写真2






上越 1994年千葉市生まれ。千葉県立千葉高校卒業後、2016年中央美術学院卒業、大学院在学、劉小東教授研究室。2017年―2018年ドイツHFG大学留学。卒業制作はE.LAND優秀芸術創作賞受賞、作品は中央美術学院美術館に収蔵される。



近年私の作品は自身の経験からインスピレーションをうけ、制作をしています。2017年ドイツでの個展《In to the light ...》ZKM美術館PeterWeibel館長キュレーション、日本での個展《天声人語?》中央美術学院易英教授キュレーション、中国での個展《This is not a Mis-hearing game》Feng Bo Yi 冯博一キュレーション、《誤聴×真相》CaoQingHui千葉成夫キュレーション、海外での経験から言葉の起源から社会を再考する、コミュニケ―ションの可能性を探求する作品をつくっています。


「対話4000年 江上越個展―海の記憶 加曾利貝塚から未来へ交信する」は私の故郷でもある千葉をリサーチしています。千葉は私のふるさとであり、海、稲毛海岸、貝殻は幼少期の記憶でもある。今回の展示は加曾利貝塚から未来へ対話をすることがテーマとなっています。4000年前の貝塚から日本の縄文時代の生活を伝え、一方で貝殻は仏教楽器としてインドから伝わってきました。おもしろいのはこの調査をしている間、中国の陝西省にて骨笛がでてきたというニュースが伝わり、運命を感じました。






対談  江上越 × 畑井恵(千葉市美術館学芸員




























 劇作家・演出家の平田オリザによる著書『わかりあえないことから -コミュニケーション能力とは何か』の中に、私たちが抱くコミュニケーションの欲求について次のような言葉がある。「その「伝えたい」という気持ちはどこから来るのだろう。私は、それは、「伝わらない」という経験からしか来ないのではないかと思う。」また、本書の紹介にあたり、哲学者の鷲田清一は、コミュニケーションを「話せば話すほど他者との差異がより微細にわかるようになること」だと述べている。





The way of communication

Megumi Hatai

Curator of Japan CCMA Museum



What meaning and situation come to mind from the word "communication"? In a lexical meaning, it may be possible to define "communicate with each other by means of language, character, gesture, and communicate with each other. However, in fact, it is not so easy words, and by the situation and the context, or by individual experience and recognition, the way of "communication" can be said to be various.


The theme of "communication" is often taken up in the works of Etsu Egami, a contemporary artist. She was born in Chiba, after studying at Central Academy of fine arts, she studied at HFG University in Germany, and she was interested in the problem of recognition through communication. She consciously re-grasps "language" which can become not only a tool of communication but also the obstacle, and her works questioned the possibility of communication and the origin of the word. The exhibition”Dialogue beyond 4000 years - Etsu Egami solo show” which was held in the Chiba culture center was inspirated by the beach of Inage which is her hometown, the memories of sea and the research from Kasorikaizuka(shell grave).


Entering the exhibition hall, first of all,you can see the object that the height extends to the ceiling near the ceiling. A black cloth covered with something like a mountain covered with black cloth, and the monitor placed on the top showed the work of the artist peformancing , the process of the work, and the research and the interview. When you look up the monitor screen which is slightly smaller than the whole size, occasionally the sound that is irrelevant to the content of the picture is heard from the somewhere in the "mountain" like noise, and multiple scenes and time axes overlap. As she expresses "one corner of the iceberg", the imagination swings in a part of the black box.


In the next space, there are drawings and photographs related to the research of the Kasorikaizuka, which depicts the pottery, the face of the person, the shellfish on the wall, and the  the photograph related to the research. At the opposite, there is three paintings which make people imaginte her past work about Mis-hearing.  In the drawing, there were some calendars used as a medium,  and I can image such as the passage of time or the retrograde to the past was given. For many months, the process of creating dozens of works, and the story that embed with himself, seemed to be like a ceremony over 4000 years.


A large number of shells were hung from the ceiling in the space where the lighting was dropped, and the picture taken on the stage of the Inage coast was projected on the wall . At the time of the research about Kasorikaizuka, it was said that there is a lot of flute made from bones which was made 4000 years ago were excavated from the ruins of Shan Xi province of China, and it came to an installation which combined the sound of a shell and a flute by thinking about the meaning that the shell and the bone flute existed in each other. When listening to the sound of the sea wave and the tone of the flute which was played by himself, the next moment, I was strongly taken away by the character string appeared at the bottom of the screen . It is said that the mysterious word is the mis-hearing which the voice which read the definition of the Kasorikaizuka shell mound make people who couldn’t understand the Japanese.


What kind of misunderstanding and fallacies have occurred in front of her installation work? Even if the whole venue is looked over, there are few descriptive information such as the text of the work, and the visitor is required to use their own senses, make their imagination, and to face the work. Visitors who are not familiar with such kind of work may have been required a little more time to find out the clues of seeing. I was worried about the mystery of the character which appeared in the video work, and when I ask her the meaning, she suddenly requesitoned me "How do you think?" .

There is the book called”From the things that cannot understand -what is the ability of communication ?” by the playwright and writer Oriza Hirata. "Where does the feeling of" want to convey "come from? I think it comes only from the experience of "not transmitted." Also, in the introduction of this book, the philosopher Seiichi Washida stated that “more communicated would be more understand  the sensitive difference between others.”


Communication is not meant to approach the distance, but to know the distance. Through communication with someone, for example, even if we have the same time and space here, we realize that it may be totally different between everyone’s experience of this world for example, the color, sound, temperature and even the smell of the air. In the first, it is not necessary to shrink the distance between “you” and “me”.  or to reach the wall. Then, the form of communication comes to mind as soon as it tries to look at “the gap” carefully. I want to look at future development of Etsu Egami’s work with such expect




千葉市美術館 畑井恵さん(右)と江上越




千葉市文化芸術振興財団理事長 大曾根裕さん(右)常任理事丸島正一(中)江上越











DIC川村記念美術館 学芸課長光田由利さん(右)と江上越











美術評論家 千葉成夫先生(右)と江上越


















人間のどこにその人が現れるかといえば、「態度」に現れるけれど、「態度」という場合、そのほとんどは「顔」(の表情)ということです。 顔をつくろう、表情を誤魔化そうとしても、「つくろう」、「誤魔化そうとする」ところに現れてしまいます。「顔」を読み取る能力は、人によっても、年齢によっても、違いますけれどね。













——畑井恵(千葉市美術館 学芸員















千葉市立加曽利貝塚博物館館長 髙梨俊夫













埋蔵文化財センター 西野雅人所長 (右)と江上越




千葉市市役所 総務課部長 (右)




Communication of Jomon people

Chiba Municipal Kasorikaizuka Museum

Director  Takashina Toshio



 There are a Dialects, don't you? Now we use common Japanese and regional dialects. Some are dialects that can be understood by  other regions , and some are hard to be understand. Even today in the media time, there are this kind of situation so, please imagine what kind of situation it was in the past.


 It is believed that Homo sapiens has reached the Japanese archipelago about 35 thousand years ago from now. The Jomon Period starts about 16,000 years ago from now, but it is about 5,000 years ago that the village is run in Kasorikikaizuka ( shell mound). It has been a while since Homo sapiens settled in each area. Looking at pottery around this time there is a common atmosphere of Jomon pottery as a whole, but characteristic patterns appeared in each area such as Tohoku, Kita Kanto, South Kanto, Koshin, Etsu, Hokuriku, Tokai etc. This area overlaps with the distribution area of ​dialects. Because the pattern of Jomon pottery is considered to indicate to the regional cultural sphere, it means that it is similar to the distribution of dialects that in Japan there will be a regional culture zone since the Jomon period.


 Although I do not know whether there was a common language in Japan, in Takuro Segawa's book there is a statement that in the Hizenkoku Fudoki(national philosophy)written in the Nara era, Goto island in Nagasaki prefecture it is said that the shore was said "Hijiha", " Hira "is pronunciation" Petitpa ", it is assumed that it can be understood by the Ainu word" Petz = river "+" Pa = shore ", and it is presumed that the Ainu language is the remnant of Jomon language . I do not know whether it is a remnant from the Jomon Period or a word that was established after the communication, but I think it is very interesting.


 Meanwhile, it is thought that silent communication existed in the Jomon period. It is called "silence trade", which is when you trade beyond the cultural sphere, you do not make direct contact, leave the things you want to exchange at a place, the opponent comes to the place and leaves the replacement and leaves. And also, going to that place and bringing back what you put and putting what you went back home, if the value is not balanced, just keep putting something that matches the amount or keeping it just like adding it . This method is also called "contact evasion trade" and it is said to be wisdom to prevent the infection of plague like psoriasis.


 There is also strange communication in the unpublished society. I think that the Jomon people shared communication with other than human beings. First of all, it is a spirit of the forest. I think that everyone knows the clay, it often talked either a man or a woman. Some researchers think that clay is not a person because it is a spirit. Indeed, there are those that resemble Mimizuku and owls and similar clay figures to a wild cat. I do not know exactly what I prayed for the clay figures. And it can be thought that they were also communicating with the dead. In the Jomon period there was a secondary burial called re-burial and a white-bellied custom called Mogari. There are hundreds of dead bodies buried in the basement of Kasorikaizuka shell mound. Especially, since large amounts of shellfish preserve bones with calcium content, They hope to regenerate by preserving corpse, I think they communication with ancestor .


 Not only people but also other animals' bodies were gathered in shell mounds. The Jomon people coexisted with nature, grasping the seasons, acquiring plants and animals. There is Stonehenge in British Neolithic Age in the same era when Kasoeikaizuka shell mound was run. Stonehenge has a remnant that shows the direction of the sunrise at the summer solstice. Also in Japan, the Akita prefecture Ooyu ring stone has a sun-rock-like rock formation and the direction indicates the sunset direction of the summer solstice. The Neolithic and Jomonese people understood the operation of the sun. As a common cognition of Homo sapiens, the sun is considered as a symbol of life. It also seems that the symbol of life on the ground is also common to fire. There is also a place where seashells are interrupted in the northeast direction in the annular shell mound of Kasorikaizuka shell mound. It may have a bearing, and may be taking communication with nature and humans like analogy linking the sun and life regeneration with analogy.






毎日新聞でのインタビュー《対話4000年 -江上越個展》




対話4000年 江上越個展——海の記憶 加曾利貝塚から未来へ交信する



対談: 江上越 × 畑井惠(日本 千葉市美術館学芸員


主催: 千葉市芸術文化振興財団


